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Summer: great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me.

You didn't grow up on a farm or aren't a farmer if you haven't passionately slapped the back of your neck or arm.... Thinking you are slapping a bug... Only to find that is is sweat running everywhere. Don't try to change my mind on this. I firmly believe it. Haven't done it, you aren't a farmer. ๐Ÿ’ช The past few days have been scorchers, after a slightly cooler than usual summer. Hello July! Like most people did, we quite literally said good bye to June and welcomed July with a bang. ๐ŸŽ† And our garden has finally started producing crops we could harvest and enjoy. (Not that we didn't enjoy lettuce.... But we would have starved if we had been relying on our garden for all our food. ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜‚) Also I'm finally getting excited about the garden. I really haven't been excited about it up until the past week or two. I have a few the theories as to why such as my ankle injury making me crabby, but I think it mostly boiled down to no...

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