There ~ Poetry

May 1st, 2019
I'm not sure where the inspiration for this bit of writing came from. I had one of those rare moments when I sit down to write and the words come out of no where, coming faster than I can write them. (I LOVE those moments effortless writing 😊)
Anyway here's a bit of not exactly poerty, but not really sure what else to call it writing. (Phew! That was a run on sentence. 😬)
May it encourage and or bless someone. ❀


  "The pain can not last forever my child, just at the storm must pass, so will this affliction.

The desolation and loneliness will not be your demise.

The ache you feel is felt by the One who made your soul, and the One guards your heart.

Each passing moment He is there.

In the rain and lightening, in the howling of the wind.

In the aching silence and chirping of life.
He stands by your side faithful and true.

Never alone though the noise of battle may drown out His quiet voice.

He is there in the roaring of the thunder, and the crashing of the waves.

Overwhelmed but not over taken.

Stand fast my darling child, for you will not stumble without His hand to pick you up."


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