Spring: Coming back to life

April 6th, 2019,
Things are starting to look green and lovely this past week! (Who can be grumpy when you are surrounded by glorious green fields and have a huge blue sky above? Happiness!!!)
Flowers are blooming:

Gardening is underway! (This was a hard subject for me this year. I could not find it in me to get excited, but I am warming up to it. I think some of it was my study mode brain, and some of it was just nostalgia. Haha!)
We finally have worms! Last year we didn't have many but thanks to ground stewardship they've begun to show up.

We tried a new method for starting seeds and plants, called winter sowing. So we have gobs of lettuce seedlings! Which makes me very happy. I had a hard time eating veggies this past winter, and I want fresh garden stuff to munch on!

Some small "anniversaries" have come and gone. We've had our crazy pup, Ira for a little over a year now! He has started listening to us better since Brucie died (which I don't think I posted about that, but most my readers already know that Bruce was hit by a car and died. 😒)

And because we use the woodchip method of gardening (look up Back to Eden gardening.) We have been moving lots of mulch. (I say we but really mostly my male kinfolk have been doing most of it. Though I help when I can. πŸ˜‰)

This is our huge pile!

And since the weather has been exquisitely lovely we have been line drying our laundry. This makes me very happy. I've been itching to line dry laundry since January.
Some how the topic came up when I was talking to some of our friends mom, and she said something that stuck with me and made me grin: (referring to line dried bath towels) "They seem more thirsty."
 That made me grin, and made my heart happy. Oh the simple things that we find joy in!!

And this is kind of a silly "hack" (if you want to call it that). But I found hanging laundry easier to do if I clip a bunch of clothes pins to the edge of my apron or shirt.  (Also please tell me I'm not the only one who loves wearing and apron! I live in mine, makes feel like i've traveled back 200 years in time. Lol 😁🌹❤)

Well that's all for now!
 We had some lovely warm spring weather and that made me so extremely happy.
(When it first started warming up I went out one afternoon and just sat in the grass staring at the blue sky laughing. I was in need of the glorious color.)
Oh and guys, slow down.
Look around and find joy in simple things.
I've started realizing how many things that are small (and even seemingly mundane) that just make me smile and so happy.
 Thank God for them!
 He made our lives to be colorful, filled with joy and peace even when chaos may try to dominate our lives.
 Just for a minute look around, listen to the birds, and insects. What a huge beautiful messy world we live.
 Thank God for His mercy even in our fallen state!!
Have a beautiful day!


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