Baker Family Series By C.R. Hedgcock: Hunting in the Highlands (Review)

The Baker Family Adventures
By C.R. Hedgcock
Hunting in the Highlands.{Book 7 of the series}
Book review:
*some spoilers may be included in this review *
Title: Hunting in the Highlands {Book 1 is called Summer of Suspense}
Author: C.R. Hedgcock (Check out her website:{which includes news about books, q&a's ,etc.. }and her shop: Baker Family Series )
Stars? Five, hands down five.
Why read it?
Read it if you enjoy a good Christ centered family story, with lots of action!
Why wouldn't you read it?
I wouldn't read it if you don't like kinda unrealistic adventures (This is fiction y'all who said it had to be realistic???!!) that have some violence (It's not bad and no one dies.)
No Bad language, sexual content/ romance, drinking, drugs, and no immoral behavior that is applauded or viewed in a good way.

Some violence and self defense, (as mentioned above.) I put this as a con since some people believe that any violence/self defense is evil/sinful and or wrong. I believe the motivation behind the action is a huge part of what makes something wrong such as you can be righteously angry or you can be angry and it be sinful (Consider Jesus in the temple.)

Where can you by the books?
You can buy the books at Grace and Truth books, or her shop {linked above}

Hunting in the Highlands:
The Baker Family has just finished another big international adventure/ mystery and are ready to relax.. but adventure and mystery is constantly following them! No vacation or break is ever a dull or boring moment.
The family splits up and many events happen to each group. And all of them though seemingly unrelated are interwoven. (Not to mention my favorite characters are mentioned right in the first few chapters!!!! *nearly faints from ecstatic joy!!*)
Danger is very prevalent but well thought out plans and actions with prayerful guidance help them overcome there obstacles.
Along with adventure and danger comes the opportunity for faith and fundamental beliefs to be tested and shared. People are given the chance to choose good or evil. To follow our King, or the devil.
Love and devotion and honor, courage and bravery are shown. I find this story is very very suitable for both boys and girls (a.k.a families) children and young adults. (Hey I’m 16 and I love these books!)
I would recommend this for 9 and up, unless you have a not so sensitive younger child or sibling and is a great read aloud.

Wanna know who my favorite characters are? Well all of them duh! But seriously Abby is awesome (She’s a girl of course I’m gonna like her!) and then the famous most lovable secret agent: Jigson.
You’ll laugh, cry, and fall in love with the characters. (Seriously I have cried at so many different points.)

Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as my brother, friends and I did. (thanks to Cochran Homestead for telling us about the books!!)

~Ms. H


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