Update: I still do have a blog....

Okay we're still alive, just very busy (I'll explain momentarily though most of you already know) and blogging has been the last thing on my to-do list, and really I should be cleaning the house right now but I figured I could type super fast and pray I don't make any embracing mistakes... πŸ˜€

Anyway this month makes one year since the saga of daddy getting a job began. (Y'all I think I've had all the stress one one lifetime in one year... either that or we were Created to with stand A LOT)

So last august daddy applied for a job at a seed company three-hours from home. (Let that sink in for a moment, this girl has lived in the town we are leaving for 14 years, {two of them were out of state for 6 months, and 18 months in a town about an hour away but I was so little I barely remember it.}My roots here, are deep and strong, and it hurts to have them yanked up.)  anyway, we didn't hear anything till October, then November, then January , then March, the the end of April and finally at the end of April daddy got a different job than what he applied for at the seed company. 😩 (Maybe someday I'll be brave enough to say what seed company) πŸ˜•

So 3 months since he accepted the job we are scrambling to get moved (well most of us, I'm relishing every moment I have here.) and with all that I haven't had time to blog, so I better sign off we have a potential buyer coming tomorrow and we need to clean badly. 😬

Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name; Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Jeremiah 33:2-3

~Ms. H


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