A walk with the Master

Abdiel!” I called, “Abdiel!” I watched as Abdiel turned searching for me, he turned fully around and saw me.

Good morning, Abiela! It is a very fine day don’t you suppose?” He asked. I nodded then noticed his book in his hands.

“Oh I am sorry if I interrupted you.” I said sheepishly beginning to back from the small cove of plants.
“No stay, I was just finishing.” He replied. There was a peace about him that had been absent for a long time. Abdiel had gone on a mission a few months past. Something had gone on the journey and Abdiel though he returned uninjured he had not been the same, and many of the other servants avoided him. The Master had asked me to be a friend when all who called them selves had left Abdiel to quietly suffer.
“You seem different this morning.” I said matter of factually. Abdiel smiled a little bit.
“The feeling of redemption and forgiveness is a satisfying feeling.” He said calmly. When I didn’t say anything he went on. “Only the Master knows what happened on that journey, the evil I committed. And though I knew I was forgiven I was living in the chains of shame and regret. Today as I read the book I found freedom in the Master’s words.”
“So your faith has been strengthened, Abdiel?” A soothing voice said. I jumped, startled by the voice of a new comer.
“Yes Master, I have.” Replied Abdiel bowing his head in respect in the direction of the voice.
Oh!” I said as I realized who the voice was. “My Lord.” I bowed my head.
“Walk with me my children.” He said. “Walk along the east arbor.” I began to walk along letting my hands brush along the orchids, and other flowers, my book was in my other hand.
It is a beautiful morning Master, thank you.” Adoration filled my heart as I spoke.
“Stop and watch.” He replied. I turned my head searching for what He had told us to watch. My eye caught the fluttering movement of a hummingbird hovering over a flower. I smiled. I looked in the direction of the arbor. The Master had come closer. A brilliant white light shone threw the leaves and foliage. I had only seen the Master once, but He had been a cloaked blurry figure. His light was strange, it was more brilliant than the sun, yet it did not hurt your eyes to look in His direction.
“’Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus,” Abdiel began in a quiet voice.
“Step by step and day by day,” I entered.
“Stepping in His very footprints, Walking with Him all the way.” We sang together. To be forgiven and to a servant to the most Wonderful, and Powerful King and to walk and talk with Him! It all was overcoming. There was a pure innocence, and bliss, in the moment. The shame of past life, the regret from mistakes made, and the hurt of the scorn we received upon receiving our Lord. I all turned to purity, and hope, and joy of acceptance.
“Step by step, step by step, I would walk with Jesus, All the day, all the way, Keeping step with Jesus!” We finished singing.
There are many things for you two to do today now go.” I could hear the Master smiling as he spoke.
 ~La Fin~

~Ms. H


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