Fowl Illness
So on a farm even though we try real hard to keep our animals healthy, things still happen and they get sick.
I tend to be the one who does the doctoring. So this morning when LJ reported that there was a sick chicken I made a crazy concoction consisting of 3 cloves of crushed garlic, dash of cayenne pepper, a few drops of vinegar (Apple Cider <a.k.a. AC>) and a few TBSP of Kefir .
She ate a little bit of it , maybe she'll get better. Most the time when our animals are sick there two things I generally turn to (And we've learned our lesson with conventional treatments... a waste of money, well there is one exception ..) Garlic and Kefir, and B&W ointment and peroxide (Okay so that's 4... )
(I don't have much hope she'll pull through but we'll see I've been praying)
(Both my brothers have J names so B(ig)J and L(ittle)J is what they will go by)
Update : The chicken did die, but I think it mostly because we found after she was already pretty far gone
I tend to be the one who does the doctoring. So this morning when LJ reported that there was a sick chicken I made a crazy concoction consisting of 3 cloves of crushed garlic, dash of cayenne pepper, a few drops of vinegar (Apple Cider <a.k.a. AC>) and a few TBSP of Kefir .
She ate a little bit of it , maybe she'll get better. Most the time when our animals are sick there two things I generally turn to (And we've learned our lesson with conventional treatments... a waste of money, well there is one exception ..) Garlic and Kefir, and B&W ointment and peroxide (Okay so that's 4... )
(I don't have much hope she'll pull through but we'll see I've been praying)
(Both my brothers have J names so B(ig)J and L(ittle)J is what they will go by)
Update : The chicken did die, but I think it mostly because we found after she was already pretty far gone
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